Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Beware of Blogging

Beware of Blogging!!! Why, you ask? Well, because what you talk about you will have to act it out. It seems since I have posted, give it all, my wife and I have been tested to see if we meant it. My amish hauling van broke down (alternator), it took 4 hours to change the oil in it, and now the turn signals are not working. We are trying to finish a kitchen and the furnace that runs the heat for the kitchen, dinning room, and bathroom (which 3 guys use) will possible take over $700.00 to fix. Then yesterday we get a call that someone needs $100.00 to help with certain bills. So what do you do? You give it all away. LOL That is my new slogan, "Give it all away, It's the Christian way".

Not only have we been getting attacked (or tested) with our material things, we have been getting it physically. We aren't stressed or worried, but our body is trying to make us feel that way. The past few days I have developed a twitch in my arm. It just starts spazing uncontrollably through out the day. My wife hasn't sleep well and has been feeling sick to her stomach. So we are praying against this. We know satans tricks and he is trying to make us believe we are stressed. But we aren't. We have hope in the Lord, and what is the worst that can happen? So what if we loose our house, or cars, or have to sell everything. As long as we are loving the Lord and our neighbor with all we have, what more can we ask. I don't want riches on this world, because then I wouldn't need Jesus.

Well take that for what it is worth, but always remember there are people out there that need things more than us. Keep that in mind when you go shopping next time.

Tracy Cook


  1. great post! i like your new slogan... i'm excited to see the things god has in store for you and amber as you continue to trust in him :)
