Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Christianity Is Not For The Faint At Heart, Neither Is Sailing

I heard this story from Jason Upton. "I met a sailor the other day. I asked him, how do you sail like you do safely. And he laughed and said, Jason, you can't sail across the Atlantic and do it safely. No sailor ever sails safely. Its not really sailing unless you push it to the edge. Its not sailing unless you have a chance to die. That is what makes it fun." Jason then goes on to talk about how in this age of Church and in this age of taking the bible and taking out all the scary stuff and the dirty stuff..... You know i think he is on to something. Shouldn't Christianity be scary. Shouldn't it have a chance that we might die for living out the truth. But it doesn't here in America. We have made the gospel into something its not. We have made it into this little nice book that wont get us into trouble. Well it seems that when I read it there are people always getting there selves into to trouble for obeying and following God.

You know what sucks about this though. My head understands that following Jesus is scary. That He will get me into trouble and I wont be liked by all if I follow Him, but my heart doesn't want to jump on board with that idea. See I keep second guessing things. I know I was suppose to quit my job and start hauling amish. I know that this is going to make me and my wife lean on Him more, but I am scared. Scared of what? Well I guess failure. Not that my business will fail but that I didn't hear right. Maybe I was just doing this for me. Maybe I...... You see what I mean? And I know all the verses. I just got to put them into use. I have to start putting my knowledge into action and then my heart will catch on. Whats the worst that could happen? If I am wrong at least I will learn through this. If I an wrong at least I am trying to please Him. And this is how I want my life to be marked. I want to know that I tried to Please Him with everything I have and not holding anything back. So I guess I will keep "Giving it all away, because its the Christian Way". I mean what do I have to lose.

Monday, January 18, 2010


It seems to me that Joy inst just given to you. However I wish it was. Over these past few weeks I have come to realize that you have to find joy, and then once you find it you have to take it with you every where.

See it isn't that joyful when your pipes bust under your house. It isn't that joyful when you van won't start. It also isn't that joyful when you know that you have given away most of your money and now are running out. But you see this is placing my joy in the wrong things. I shouldn't be joyous because I have an abundance. I shouldn't be joyous because everything seems to be going right. I should be joyous in the fact I have a heavenly Father that loves me. My joy should be in the fact that I am doing what pleases my Father. Doing what pleases my Father isn't always safe or comfortable. In fact once you do this all hell breaks loose and trys to stop you. And this is where me and my wife are at. Hell has broken loose these past few weeks. It has come close to stealing the joy that we have found, but we are saying no.

I am learning a lot about where I put my trust and faith. I am learning a lot of what I have talked about for a few years has never been put to practice till now.

So I urge you fellow Christ followers to find true Joy and never let it go.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Beware of Blogging

Beware of Blogging!!! Why, you ask? Well, because what you talk about you will have to act it out. It seems since I have posted, give it all, my wife and I have been tested to see if we meant it. My amish hauling van broke down (alternator), it took 4 hours to change the oil in it, and now the turn signals are not working. We are trying to finish a kitchen and the furnace that runs the heat for the kitchen, dinning room, and bathroom (which 3 guys use) will possible take over $700.00 to fix. Then yesterday we get a call that someone needs $100.00 to help with certain bills. So what do you do? You give it all away. LOL That is my new slogan, "Give it all away, It's the Christian way".

Not only have we been getting attacked (or tested) with our material things, we have been getting it physically. We aren't stressed or worried, but our body is trying to make us feel that way. The past few days I have developed a twitch in my arm. It just starts spazing uncontrollably through out the day. My wife hasn't sleep well and has been feeling sick to her stomach. So we are praying against this. We know satans tricks and he is trying to make us believe we are stressed. But we aren't. We have hope in the Lord, and what is the worst that can happen? So what if we loose our house, or cars, or have to sell everything. As long as we are loving the Lord and our neighbor with all we have, what more can we ask. I don't want riches on this world, because then I wouldn't need Jesus.

Well take that for what it is worth, but always remember there are people out there that need things more than us. Keep that in mind when you go shopping next time.

Tracy Cook