Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Faith Like A Child

This is kinda weird for me. I am not a good writer or do I claim to have some knowledge that people would want to read. I do however love talking, more in person and not so much in writing. I also have tons of stuff that runs through my head all day long. Some good and true others not so good and not close to truth. So I thought what better way to get stuff out of my head and to see if its right than to start a blog. I mean geez it is the 21st century.

To start off with let me tell you about my self. My name is Tracy Cook. I am 23 years old but feel so much older. Maybe it is because I fit in better with older people(this so I can learn from them), or maybe it is because I hang out with teens from 3 to 6 everyday(this starts to make you feel old whenever they start calling the music you grew up with classics). I know it's crazy.

I have a wonderful wife. She teaches me, cares for me, and encourages me so much. We decided a little over a year ago to buy a house. Just so happened we bought a pretty large house. We did this intentionally. We wanted to fill it up. The crazy thing is we have over 3,000 sqft of living space and are figuring out how to take the attic and make more living space so we can fill it up too. That would put us at about 4,000 sqft of living space. It sounds great and wonderful, but you should see the house lol. It will take a lot of work and years to finish. We, so far, have had 7 ppl who have needed a place to stay and stayed with us. We have 3 at this time. With this we need grocery cards and paper products.

We try to live simply and radically. We believe that if God has given us things that we should use it for the sake of others. Its not what you have, but it is what you do with what you have that God cares about. If you want to rid the world of injustice, you must first start with the injustice in your own heart. We are trying our hardest not to fall into the lukewarm amercian dream trap that so many church goers are accustomed too. And I will tell you it is very hard not to fall down this black hole. I believe I am still digging my way out.

I started on this journey at the age of 17. I have messed up many times. I am trying my hardest to Love God and my neighbor, whether that be my next door neighbor or our neighbor overseas.

All these things will help you understand where I am coming from throughout my ponderings. I hope to share my thoughts and learn from you thoughts through all my writings.

Love and Peace to you,

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